
technical meeting on appropriate industrial technologies معنى

  • الاجتماع التقني المعني بالتكنولوجيات الصناعية المناسبة
  • technical    adj. تقني, فني, خص ...
  • meeting    n. لقاء, دعوة, اجت ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • appropriate    adj. مناسب, موافق, ...
  • industrial    adj. صناعي; n. شرك ...
  • technologies    التقنيات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. technical know-how معنى
  2. technical manager معنى
  3. technical manual on electronic data processing in criminal justice management معنى
  4. technical meeting for the analysis of intraregional trade and the development of the mining and metallurgical sector معنى
  5. technical meeting of global programme of action clearing-house decision-makers معنى
  6. technical meeting on central asia’s transit transport links with world markets معنى
  7. technical meeting on methods of analyzing fertility data for developing countries معنى
  8. technical meeting on population ageing and living arrangements of older persons معنى
  9. technical meeting on reproductive health indicators for global monitoring معنى
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